

Rearing Calves to £410 B&W av £57.50 Cont av £328.8 Native av £240.58 Healthy show of 75 calves today considering it being Nidderdale Show day, despite this calves sold away well with Native bulls a particularly strong trade with AA bulls to £380 and averaging £347.50. Continentals were a touch easier on paper but a cracking trade for the goods on offer today with plenty of 4 week old calves and under, steaming past £300. Alan Middleton from Beamsley topped proceedings with a belting BB heifer at £410. Fleshy B&W calves sold nicely with a lot of small young calves about making good money.

Bull Calves

Limousin x (Av £351.25) to £390Townhead Farm Products                     

Brit Blue x (Av £345) to £390 JR&MJ Moon                                                  

Aberdeen Angus (Av £347.50) to £380 Woolraw Farms

Flekvieh (Av £267.50) to £305 C Watson

Hereford X (Av £237.50) to £260 JM Smith

Shorthorn (Av £134.33) to £160 IRG Collins

Saler (Av £150) to £150 Townhead Farm Products

Simmental (Av £280) to £300 AP Townsend                                

Black & White (Av £57.46) to £95 Woolraw Farms                     


Heifer Calves                       

Simmental x (Av £285) to £285 A&SL Throup & Son                                                  

Ab Angus (Av £188.33) to £200 Woolraw Farms                                                        

Saler (Av £290 ) to £290 Townhead Farms

British Blue (Av £321.11) to £410 JP&KE Hartley

Lim (Av £300.25) to £305 C Watson