

Forward: 93 Prime cattle comprising 22 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos), 1 Clean Cattle (over 30 mos) & 70 Cast Cattle. 3,902 Prime Sheep comprising 3,437 Prime Lambs & 465 Cast Ewes & Rams. 150 Rearing Calves. 2 Loads of produce.


Prime Cattle (under 30 mos)

Tim Hamlet shopped locally for his Garstang shop when securing the two leading gross prices at the weekly sale of prime cattle from Messrs AA&E Critchley of Hutton near Preston. Both were heifers a British Blue weighing 565kg and a Limousin cross weighing 555kg which made 259.5p (£1466) and 253.5p/kg (£1407). Leading buyer was Keelham Farm Shop securing 12 cattle for their Skipton and Thornton shops including the leading price steer at 254.5p/kg or £1336, a Limousin cross weighing 525kg sold by Willie Timm of TWH Assets.



465-555kg                                             to 254.5p/kg        av. 248.38p/kg

560kg+                                                   to 244.5p/kg        av. 214.92p/kg


400-480kg                                             to 189.5 p/kg

485kg+                                                   to 259.5p/kg        av. 229.5p/kg

Top Prices £ per head and p/kg


£ per head: SD Bennett (BBx) 1383, JR Metcalfe (Limx) 1369, TWH Assets (Limx) 1359, 1336, CD&RF Kitching (Limx) 1347

p/kg: TWH Assets (Limx) 254.5, 249.5, JR Metcalfe (Limx) 252.5,244.5,  CD&RF Kitching (Limx) 240.5, SD Bennett (BBx) 237.5


£ per head: AA&E Critchley & Son (BBx) 1466, (Limx) 1407, 1289, JA&JM Wade&Son (Limx) 1292, JM Townsend (BBx) 1262,1246

p/kg: AA&E Critchley&Son (BBx) 259.5,(Limx) 253.5, 245.5, JA&JM Wade&Son (Limx) 248.5, CD&RF Kitching (Limx)240.5,(Blondex) 239.5,


Prime Cattle (over 30 mos)

Overall Average                                   138.5p/kg             £706.35

Top Prices £ per head or p/kg

£ per head: JC Marshall (B&W) 706.35

p/kg: JC Marshall (B&W) 138.5



Cull Cow Prices

Overall Average                                   113.34p/kg           £744.81

Change in the weather brought a large show of cast cattle including a large number of weathered types which met a steadier trade. Dairies carrying meat still comfortably into 125p and more and leaner cattle still able to make 100p and over if young and suitable for feeding. Older lean dairies back in the 80s for the first time for some time. Beef crosses saw meat selling though slightly less on the week but the underlying feeding trade for this category met the usual interest with plenty of bidders even for the lean sorts.

Black & White                       to 126.5 p/kg                       av.107.96 p/kg

MRI                                         to 114.5p/kg                        av.110.57p/kg

Brown Swiss                         to 104.5p/kg

Limx                                       to 146.5p/kg                        av. 128.10p/kg

BBx                                         to 144.5p/kg                        av. 111.29p/kg

Blondex                                 to 145.5p/kg                        av. 136.54p/kg

AAx                                         to 149.5p/kg


Top Prices (£ per head or p/kg)


£ per head: AS&EA Jeanes 1023,998, 923,JT Rushton 972, JR Dinsdale&Sons 902, N&J Thwaite 897, GB Moorhouse 889

p/kg:AS&EA Jeanes 126.5, 125.5, P&J Brown&Son 126.5, 124.5,JSS Verity 125.5,124.5, N&J Thwaite 125.5, DA&S Fort 124.5

Other Dairy

£ per head: J Gooch (Brown Swiss) 721, N&R Sutcliffe (MRI) 716,512

p/kg: N&R Sutcliffe (MRI) 114.5,105.5, J Gooch (Brown Swiss) 104.5

Brit Blue:

£ per head: J&ME Carr 968

p/kg:J&ME Carr 144.5


£ per head: JE Cowperthwaite 1084, 841,711,699, JC&N Throup 874

p/kg: JE Cowperthwaite 146.5, 130.5, 119.5, JC&N Throup 133.5,

Other Contx

£ per head: JC&N Throup (Blondex) 953,938, D&GM Scott (Charx) 928, D&J Carlisle (Simx) 901

p/kg: JC7N Throup (Blondex) 145.5,128.5,D&GM Scott (Charx) 132.5, D&J Carlisle (Simx) 132.5


£ per head: JJ Beckwith&Sons (AAx) 149.5, D&GM Scott (AAx) 145.5, R&J Stockdale&Son 133.5

p/kg: D&GM Scott (AAx) 1186, R&J Stockdale (AAx) 1021, JJ Beckwith&Sons (AAx) 882



Overall Average                                   118.62p/kg           £1112.29

Top Prices £ per head or p/kg

£ per head: K Lister&Son (Blonde) 1331, RC Turnbull&Son (AA) 893

p/kg: K Lister&Son (Blonde) 130.5, RC Turnbull&Son (AA) 104.5



3,902 Prime Sheep comprising 3,437 Prime Lambs & 465 Cast Ewes & Rams

An increased entry of sheep met with a mixed trade this week with best sorts nicely sold but commercial and plainer types cheaper on the week. Top price of £116 on two occasions, first from E&M Townley & Son from Clapham and then From Ellis Bros of Addingham Moorside being purchased by Kendalls Farm Butchers of Pateley Bridge and Harrogate. Ellis Bros sold further pens at £110 and £108. Robert Wade from Cononley also made £108 for a pen of Rouge cross also selling to Kendalls Farm Buthchers. Ellis Bros topped per kilo with their 263.6p 255.8p 245.5p whilst Messrs Townley made 238.6p and 232.0p.


Spring Lambs  – Overall Average £74.11per head or 173.61p/kg           

32.1kg to 35.9kg                 to 181.4p/kg         av 179.29p/kg      or £62.75 per head

36.0kg to 45.5kg                 to 263.6p/kg         av 174.01p/kg      or £72.89 per head

45.6kg to 52.0kg                 to 232p/kg            av 171.85p/kg      or £80.98 per head

52.1kg and over   to 179.2p/kg         av 163.57p/kg      or £89.57 per head


Beltex average £82.43 per head or 197.95p/kg

£ per head: £116 E&M Townley & Son; £116, £110, £108 Ellis Bros; £105, £97.50 E&M Townley & Son;

p/kg:263.6p 255.8p 245.5p Ellis Bros; 238.6p, 232p E&M Townley & Son; 220p Ellis Bros; 217.8p E&M Townley & Son 

Suffolk average £74.18 per head or 170.07p/kg

£ per head: £85 Ellis Bros; £84.50, £84 JA&JM Wade; £81 S Dorey; £80 JA&JM Wade; £79x2 CH&C Fearnley; £78 A Guy & Son 

p/kg: 175p JA&JM Wade & Son; 175p RA&M Earnshaw; 174.4p x2 DA Pratt; 173.9p JA&JM Wade & Son; 173.3p CH&C Fearnley;

Texel average £74.84 per head or 174.81p/kg

£ per head: £108 JA&JM Wade &Son; £100 JA&JH Hewetson; £98 DJ Halliday; £97 JR Crabtree; £96 Ellis Bros;

p/kg:223.3p Ellis Bros; 222.7p DJ Halliday; 221.4p F&R Fielden; 219.5p JI&MP Greenwood; 216.7p G Sunderland;

Mule average £66.35 per head or 157.22p/kg

£ per head: £80 S Dorey; £76 JW Stockdale & Son; £74 TH&A Pickard; £73.50 JW Stockdale; £73.50 x2 AJ Mason;

p/kg:161p AJ Mason; 160.9p TH&A Pickard; 160.9p S Dorey; 160.2p JA Throup; 160p TC Robinson; 160p J&JA Preston;

Charollais average £76.50 per head or 176.48p/kg

£ per head: £81 Stocks Enteprises; £81 D&A Livestock; £78.50 RA&H Bury; £74 D&A Livestock; £68 A Fisher;

p/kg: 197.6p D&A Livestock; 184.1p Stocks Enteprises; 174.4p A Fisher; 174.4p RA&H Bury;




Cull Ewes average £47.31

Suffolk to £73.50, Texel to £109.5, BFL to £34.50, Mule to £60.50, Lleyn to £70.50, Swaledale to £38.50, Cheviot to £64.50, Beltex  to £62.50, Lonk  to £53.50.

Top prices:

Lowland: £109.50 GW Houseman & Partners; £88.50 GA Hewitt & Son;

Mule/Masham: £60.50 S&PE Bowker & Sons; £59.50 P Shackleton;

Horned: £53.50, £46.50 A Guy & Son;

Hill: £70.50 N Speake; £65.50 RG&SJ Paul;  


Cast Rams average £53.50

Texel to £63.50 Swaledale to £37.50; Teeswater to £81.50 J Pennell; Herdwick to £41.50



150 Rearing Calves to £555


A scintillating trade today for the Autumn Calf show with exactly 150 calves through the door.  The Show was a hard fought contest with Matthew Dibb of Dob Park, Otley picking Alan Hartley’s 7 week old Bull as Champion over a tremendous Suckler Bred Limousin heifer from John and Tom Carlisle of Cracoe. It was a hard choice to choose a winner, and it was a close run affair in the sale ring also with just £5 between them. The Champion from The Hartley Family of Beamsley saw £555 for their consignment selling to the Judge with the Reserve Champion from the Carlisle Family selling to Jonathon Townley, Clapham for £550.


Continental bulls were a flying trade right throughout the sale with the top 18 prices: £555, £500, £470, £460 x3, £455, £450, £445x2, £440 x3, £435x2 £430 x3.  Natives saw some potent bidding with Aberdeen Angus bulls topping at £460 from Edward and Jenny Griffiths with further Angus bulls from the same vendor at £390, £350, £340x2, £330 x2.


Best Continental heifers flew off the shelves too with the aforementioned reserve champion at £550 with other Prices £430 x2 and £410 for the best. Native heifers joined in on the action also averaging £202 and topped at £310 twice from JC Marshall and JP&KE Hartley respectively.     


Bull Calves

Limousin x (Av £365) to £500 A Sowray & Son                            

Brit Blue x (Av £407.33) to £555 JP&KE Hartley                                                          

Aberdeen Angus (Av £262.68) to £460 JR&EJ Griffiths

Longhorn x (Av £228) to £255 AP Townsend

Pathanais X (Av £342.50) to £370 CJ&DD Drake

Shorthorn (Av £170) to £170 Flasby Estates

Flekvieh (Av £260) to £285 C Watson

Simmental (Av £316.67) to £380 H Goodall & Son                     

Black & White (Av £53.43) to £180 RM Spence           

Cont av £390.71 Native av £255.08               


Heifer Calves                       

Simmental x (Av £333.33) to £340 H Goodall & Sons                                                 

Ab Angus (Av £196.67) to £310 JP&KE Hartley                                                            

Saler (Av £143.75) to £160 Town Head Farm Products

British Blue (Av £361.67) to £430 A Sowray & Son

Hereford (Av £310) to £310 JC Marshall

Lim (Av £327.22) to £550 D&J Carlisle

Shorthorn (Av £165) to £190 Flasby Estates

Cont av £344.75 Native av £202.94




Wheat Straw Mini Hestons                               £20 per bale

Wheat Straw Quads                                            £77 per ton