

Forward: 86 Prime cattle comprising 18 Clean Cattle (under 30 mos), 10 Clean Cattle (over 30 mos) & 58 Cast Cattle. 4,336 Prime Sheep comprising 3720 Prime Lambs, 616 Cast Ewes & Rams. 80 Rearing Calves. 1 Loads of produce.


465-555kg                                             to 239.5p/kg                        av. 235.5p/kg

560kg+                                                   to 239.5p/kg                        av. 234.4p/kg


400-480kg                                             to 238.5p/kg                        av. 238.5p/kg

485kg+                                                   to 251.5p/kg                        av. 222.6p/kg


Top Prices £ per head and p/kg


£ per head: 1257 J Baines (BBX), 1248 CD&RF Kitching (Lim), 1169 JR Metcalfe (Lim)

p/kg: 239.5 J Baines (BBX), 235.5 CD&RF Kitching (Lim), 231.5 JR Metcalfe (Lim)


£ per head: 1345 JM Townsend (BBX), 1383 JM Ewin Newhouse (Lim), 1302 SD Bennett (BBX)

p/kg: 251.5 JM Townsend (BBX), 239.5 J Baines (BBX), 231.5 CD&RF Kitching (Lim),


Cull Cow Prices

Overall Average                                   102.2p/kg             £688.22

Black & White                       to 113.5p/kg                        av 95.78p/kg

Char                                        to 117.5p/kg                        av 116.4p/kg

Limx                                       to 135.5 p/kg                       av 132.9p/kg

Ab Angus                               to 124.5p/kg                        av 119.2p

BBx                                         to 131.5p/kg


Top Prices (£ per head or p/kg)

B&W: av 95.78p/kg

£ per head: 925 JR Dinsdale; 915.9 913.6 J Caygill; 838.7 825.3 JR DInsdale;

p/kg: 113.5 J Caygill; 111.5 JR Dinsdale; 110.5p JSS Verity; 109.5 RD Metcalfe;

Brit Blue: av 131.5p/kg

£ per head: 907.3 J Drinkall

p/kg: 131.5 J Drinkall

Lim: av 135.5p/kg

£ per head: 894 W Holden

p/kg: 135.5 W Holden

Ab Angus: av 119.2p/kg

£ per head: 915 795 J Drinkall

p/kg: 124.5 J Drinkall; 118.5p B&LN Dibb;

Char: av 116.4p/kg

£ per head: 768.0 752 B&LN Dibb;

p/kg: 117.5p 115.5 B&LN DIbb;


Overall Average                                   115p/kg £1053


£ per head: 805 M&R Smith

p/kg: 88.5 M&R Smith


£ per head: 1301 D&S Hollings

p/kg: 141.5 D&S Hollings

Prime Lambs

A larger show of sheep, numbers up 13%, met with a reduced trade on the week. Well fleshed lambs wouldn’t be too far down, but buyers obviously sticking to well drawn lambs, and anything lacking finish, especially if in the 36kg to 39kg range were certainly less money, a few buyers picking these off as stores. 42kg to 45kg the best range for a commercial lamb and will see the best average per kg too. Trevor & Clive Robinson of Tosside led the sale at £106 for some 54kg Texel’s purchased by Nick Dalby. Nick also purchased some 55kg Texels off Duncan Halliday of Sowerby Bridge. Sam Booker of Silsden showing for his uncle Trevor had 48kg Texels make £104 (216.7p) to Keelham Farmshop, who also purchased some 49kg Beltex Texel crosses for £100 from Richard Crabtree of Clifton. Richard had the top price per kilo at 230.2p/kg (43kg @ £99) to Nick Dalby, whilst Duncan Halliday had 225.6p (43kg @ £97) for a pair of Beltex Texel crosses that had won Halifax show the previous weekend, the purchaser was James Robertshaw for Keelham Farmshop. Other vendors above 220p were Frankland Farms from Rathmell, Malcolm Metcalf from Baldersby and Jim & Christine Scriven from Elslack.

Prime Lambs  – Overall Average  £75 per head or 176.06p/kg               

25.5kg to 32.0kg                 to 150.66p/kg       av 150.66p/kg      or £48 per head

32.1kg to 35.9kg                 to 158.8p/kg         av 158.8p/kg         or £54 per head

36.0kg to 45.5kg                 to 230.2p/kg         av 175.96p/kg      or £73.71 per head

45.6kg to 52.0kg                 to 216.7p/kg         av 177.88p/kg      or £83.86 per head

52.1kg and over   to 196.3p/kg         av 172.36p/kg      or £82.82 per head

Beltex average £81.38 per head or 196.42p/kg

£ per head: £99 P Crabtree & Son; £97 DJ Halliday; £94 S&P Scrivin; £94 T Kiernan; £94 P Crabtree & Son; £93 JA&JH Hewetson;

p/kg: 230.2p P Crabtree & Son; 225.6p DJ Halliday; 222.5p Frankland Farms; 221.3p JR Metcalfe; 220.3p S&P Scrivin

Suffolk average £75.07 per head or 172.9p/kg

£ per head: £95.50 T Walmsley; £95 H Raw; £94 ML Evans; £88 RA&M Earnshaw; £85.50 ML Evans; £82.50 JA&JM Wade &Son

p/kg:212.2p T Walmsley Livestock; 191p H Raw; 182.7p FA Holmes & Son; 181.5p B&K Wellock;181.1p ML Evans; 

Texel average £75.78 per head or 176.89p/kg

£ per head: £106 T&C Robinson; £105.5 DJ Halliday; £104 JT Booker; £100 P Crabtree & Son; £99 GB Jennings; £99 DJ Halliday

p/kg: 216.7p J&T Booker; 214p P Johnson; 212.4p, 211.8p, 208.3p DJ Halliday; 207.2p WC Logan; 204.1p  P Crabtree & Son

Mule average £68.65 per head or 163.04p/kg

£ per head: £77.50 S&T Fawcett; £77 CD&RF Kitching; £75 R&C Greenwood; £72 T&C Robinson; £71.50 JA Throup;

p/kg: 171.1p R&C Greenwood; 169.3p, 168.8p S&T Fawcett; 167.7p JM&S Tennant; 167.4p T&C Robinson; 167.4p S&T Fawcett;

Charollais average £69.12 per head or 170.85p/kg

£ per head: £89, £84.50 I Marsden; £76.50 B Spensley Ltd; £76 A Guy & Son; £75 JM Smith & Son; £73.50 RD Capstick

p/kg: 197.8p, 187.8p I Marsden; 185.4p A Guy & Son; 177.3p C Timm; 176.9p NG Bailey Ltd; 176.8p RD Capstick

Lleyn average £74.72 per head or 177.33p/kg

£ per head: £89, £77.50, £73.50x2 CD&RF Kitching

p/kg: 181.6p, 179.3p, 177.5p, 171.5p CD&RF Kitching 



Cull Ewes average £58.18

Suffolk to £80.50, Texel to £108.5, Teeswater to £69.50, Mule to £74.50, Lleyn to £66.50, Swaledale to £51.50, Masham to £66.50, Charolais to £70.50, Cheviot  to £76.50, Beltex  to £76.50, Lonk  to £58.50.

Top prices:

Lowland: £108.5 RH&MR Ireland; £96.50 M&B Allen;

Mule/Masham: £74.50 JA&JH Hewetson; £72.50 GT Booth  

Horned: £58.50 B&LN Dibb; £51.50 JA Throup

Hill: £76.50 RH&MR Ireland; £69.50 A Fisher  

Cast Rams average £50.46

Texel to £85.50 JA&JH Hewetson; Swaledale to £48.50 W Mason & Son; Teeswater to £85.50 A Fisher



Rearing Calves to £400x3  (73)

B&W av £77.67 Cont av £345 Native av £231

Stronger show of calves today with the vast majority being black and whites of the 73 that was on sale today. The black whites received a healthy trade with anything on the money selling away well, a few extra buyers rolling up for the east certainly made for a better average and helping the top price Friesian from Michael Heron of Bramhope, Leeds  who reached £290 for a belting sort. The Clarke Family took joint top price with a super Limousin Bull at £400 with John Wright of Airton seeing his Blue Bull reach the same £400 with Paul and Janet Bolland first in the ring hitting the same price with a lovely Blue heifer. James Gooch of Cononley also had a sweet run with three heifers also into the late £300 bracket. Limousin heifers topping with what seemed like a ¾ bred calf from Richard Spence and realising £390.


Ralph Guy hit the top of the tree with his Angus Bull making £360 with Bollands hot on the heels at £330 for their named sire consignment and Michael Heron at £310 and £300


Bull Calves

Limousin x (Av £386.67) to £400 D Clarke                    

Brit Blue x (Av £385) to £400 RL Wright & Sons                                          

Ab Angus (Av £274) to £360 RD Guy                              

Black & White (Av £77.67) to £290 DLDM&J Heron                   


Heifer Calves                       

Limousin x (Av £305) to £390 RM Spence                     

Brit Blue x (Av £344.17) to £400 PJ Bolland                 

Ab Angus (Av £145) to £170 CN&SA Harrison                                                              

Saler to £215 RL Wright &Son                                                         



Barley Straw                                         Mini Hestons                        to £16 per bale