

Fortnightly Sale of Young Feeding Bulls, Store Bullocks & Heifers, Breeding Cattle Forward: 490 head of cattle Comprising: 469 Feeding Cattle (84 Young Bulls, 73 Beef Feeding Cows & Bulls, 312 Bullocks & Heifers) & 21 Breeding Cattle.



Feeding Bulls – feeding bulls were a nice trade with most of the spring born calves knocking on the door at £800 and occasionally more. Autumn born cattle remain a good trade with the strong end £900 to £1075. Older bulls up to £1000 and long term out of spec bulls £900.


Feeding Cows - A cracking trade for a big entry of feeding cows right across the range from plain cattle to the top end. Continental & Angus cows were the trade of the day av £943 and a pure Char Cow to £1040 av £1010 for A Rogers.


Today was the Christmas Show and Sale which was sponsored by TES Agri (suppliers of fertilizer) and kindly judged by Mr Wainwright of Fife who awarded JH&SM Mason the champion rosette with their Homebred Limi Heifer and also awarded Reserve for their second prize Heifer. The Judge backed his choices and went on to buy both of them.

More cattle could have been sold with buyers offloading fat cattle for the Christmas trade and looking to replenish stock numbers. Suckler bred cattle looking dearest they have for a while as the Xmas shows have left sheds empty. Topping the steer trade was a Char steer from P+E Fox selling at £1350. Overall steer average was £947 and the overall Heifer average was £870. The strong stores sold better on the fortnight with buyers looking more active than previous weeks. Younger 14 month plus cattle getting away well with buyers wanting frame and size to finish.

More stores wanted for a fortnights time so please call the office with entries.

Stores –

Christmas Show judged by Ian Wainwright

Bullock –

1st E&M Townley, Clapham (BB x 18mo) sold for £1180

2nd P&E Fox, Clitheroe (Lim x 18mo) sold for £1220

3rd E&M Townley, Clapham (Lim x 14mo) sold for £990

Heifer –

1st JH&SM Mason, Keasden (Lim x 13mo) sold for £1110

2nd JH&SM Mason, Keasden (Lim x 12mo) sold for £1000

3rd JC Walker & Son, Dunsop Bridge (Lim x 14mo) sold for £1055


Champion – JH&SM Mason

Reserve – JH&SM Mason








460 HEAD comprising 100 Young Bulls, 50 Beef Bred feeding Cows,
 300 Bullocks and Heifers

& 10 Breeding Cattle


Catalogue Entries close 4pm Wednesday 11th December  








Prices and Averages

Young Bulls Continental x average £871, Native average £830


Charollais x (Av £785)

£880 £690 J&V Blakey;

Simmental x (Av £832)

£1000 £750 G Mellin; £790x2 JD Loftus;  

Limousin x (Av £878)

£1190 W&A Lambert; £1175x2 R Gumbley; £1170 R Holroyd; £1165x2 JR Douglas;  

Brit Blue x (Av £839)

£1050 ££900 R Holroyd; £880 £845 D Broadbent; £860 Taylor Bros; £850 £840 CT&JE Willoughby;  

Ab Angus (Av £845)

£920 JL&LM Clarke; £770 JE&AC Clarke;

Blonde (Av £765)

£765 JE&AC Clarke;

Saler (Av £770)

£770 JG Bamforth;


Under 10 months - £1175 R Gumley; £945 C Lumb; £930 G&JSM Hartley; £895 Taylor Bros;

11-12 months - £1075 G&JSM Hartley; £1000 G Mellin; £945 JE&AC Clarke; £935 D Broadbent;

Over 12 months - £1190 £1130 W&A Lambert; £1170 R Holroyd; £1080 JR Taylor;


Top price pen of three or more bulls

(£15 Prize) 3 Lim x @ £855 C Lumb & Son

(£15 Prize) 3 Lim x @ £855 D&A Livestock


Beef Bred Feeding Cows av £776


Simmental           to £960 av £746

Limousin              to £1160 av £743

Blonde                  to £970 av £781

AA                          to £1150 av £943

Devon                   to £900

Saler                      to £800 av £758

Brit Blue               to £1090 av £836

Charolais              to £1040 av £1010

Hereford             to £845 av £845


Lim Bull                to £1200 av £1055


Top prices - £1200 GJ Edwards; £1160 T Metcalfe; £1150 £1050 D Pawson; £1100 D&S Hollings; £1090 T Metcalfe; £900 Sunderland Farms;   


Store Bullocks – Continental x average £972, Native average £894

Charollais (Av £1017)

£1350 P&E Fox; £1110 J&M Blakey; £1105x8 JW Barker; £1080 AC Ward;

Simmental x (Av £988)

£1130 £1060 £1025 A Fawcett; £1060 £1040 R Naylor; £950 E&MA Burrow; £950x2 JW Barker;

Limousin x (Av £913)

£1220 £1180 £1170 P&E Fox; £1180 M Ryder & Son; £1130x2 A Fawcett; £1120 E&M Townley;  

Blonde (Av £917)

£950x2 £895 CA&J Ridsdale; £875 J Butler;

Ab Angus (Av £904)

£1085 JN&J Rennard; £995 JA Throup; £990x2 F&A Walmsley; £915 DG Boothman; £910 N&J Thwaite;   

Saler x (Av £795)

£795x5 Beeston Hall Farms;

Brit Blue x (Av £982)

£1180 E&M Townley; £1055x2 £1050x3 DT Houseman; £1055x3 E&MA Burrow;  

Hereford (Av £963)

£990x3 DG Boothman; £885 G&R Bulmer;

B&W (Av £835)

£835x2 R Naylor;



Top price pen of three or more bullocks

(£15 Prize) 3 Sim x @ £1130 A Fawcett

(£10 Prize) 4 Char x @ £1105 JW Barker



Store Heifers – Continental x average £887, Native average £806

Charollais x (Av £767)

£1045 AC Ward; £920 A Fawcett; £700 M&C Greenwood; £700 WJ&M Greenwood;  

Limousin x (Av £889)

£1160 JR&DL Ogden; £1110 JH&SM Mason; £1110 Frankland Farms; £1065 H&SMD Lund; £1060 JC Walker;  

Blonde (Av £768)

£980 £950 JE Cowperthwaite; £780 J Butler; £640x2 TW&I Fawcett;  

Ab Angus (Av £813)

£950 £910x4 SJ Forde;  £930 £860 CW Sutcliffe; £895 £820 N&J Thwaite;

Saler (Av £870)

£870x4 J&C Wright;  

Brit Blue x (Av £893)

£1200 JR&DL Ogden; £1110 J Nelson & Son;  £1100 JA Throup; £1030 G&R Bulmer; £1020 T Metcalfe;

Simmental (Av £935)

£1040 £930 A Fawcett; £955x2 £930x2 £900 R Naylor;

Hereford (Av £738)

£990 £830 DG Boothman; £770 G&R Bulmer;  

Shorthorn (Av £785)

£890 R Naylor; £765x5 PJ&RH Wallbank;  


Top price pen of three or more heifers

(£15 Prize) 3 Lim x @ £1060 D&FJ Leeming

(£10 Prize) 3 Lim x @ £1045 M Ryder & Son





BBx Heifer 3 months Incalf                           to £840

Here x Cows 5/6 months Incalf                   to £910 av £816

BBx Cows with Lim Bull/Hfr Calves            to £1140

BBx Cows with BBx Bull Calves                    to £920

Ped Sim Hfrs with Sim Hfr Calves               to £1320 av £1310