

61 Dairy (Jerseys in co with Kivells) Well folks that’s the excitement of our Spring coloured breeds sale over and huge thanks to all supporters whether that’s vendors, purchasers, helpers or those who tried to buy. We had a mix of ages and classes of stock within both the fortnightly dairy and the Jersey sale.


Mick Blackwell’s sweet black heifer was top of 11 forward  in the fortnightlys at £1900 going to John Howard at Gargrave.

Bluegrass Jerseys made their long trip from Hertfordshire worthwhile and while Scottish and Southern bidders tried to make the widely admired Merry Jane lot 10 their own the hammer fell at £5250 to Robert and Elaine Butterfield. The next lot in from Bluegrass, Chieftains Haven also had plenty of admirers and heads with the Forts at Silsden at £3045. These are highlights - full report to follow.


Newly Calved Cow                              to £1320

Newly Calved Heifer                           to £1900                               av £1347

Newly Calved Jersey Cows                to £1785                               av £1439

Newly Calved Jersey Heifers             to £5250                               av £2041

Jersey Heifers incalf                            to £1523                               av £925

Jersey Maiden Heifers                       to £1050                               av £548